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How Dental SEO Increases Your Practice Revenue?

Do you want to know how you can get more patients knocking on your dental practice door? 

Well, the answer is Dental SEO!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is among the most effective dental digital marketing strategies that enable you to connect with your ideal patients through the search engines organically.  

Today, new dental practices appear in every corner. To survive and thrive in such a highly competitive landscape, you must be proactive about how you market your practice. What you need is a robust dental marketing strategy, which will provide you with qualified leads and patients to boost your revenue prospects invariably. 

This article talks about how dental SEO can prove to be the game-changer for your dental practice, i.e., how it can drive more traffic to your website, leading to more patient appointments and increased revenue. You’ll also learn about various techniques to gauge your SEO campaign’s effectiveness, how you can use SEO with Google Ads to your advantage, and everything else you need to know about dental SEO.

Increasing Revenue with Dental SEO 

A smart and well-targeted SEO campaign can at least double your new patient appointments every month and increase your revenue by 250%.

Most patients searching for a dentist online will not look beyond the first SERP. The first five organic results on the search results page account for 67.60% of all clicks. Hence, if your practice does not appear on this page, you shall lose the chance to get found and win new patients.

Dental SEO management involves targeting keywords and phrases specific to your practice and location. These are the phrases that your potential patients are most likely to enquire about on the search engines like Google and Bing. Targeting these keywords and phrases and optimizing your website for them would allow your practice to attract more patients organically and subsequently earn more revenue.


The Right Target Audience Increases New Dental Patient Appointments.

There are hundreds of dental clinics across the city. So no one will drive for miles to get treated at your practice. Hence, rather than targeting all patients looking for dentists, you must focus on the ones doing so in your neighborhood. 

Selecting the right target audience shall be the heart of your dental strategy. These individuals are the ones most likely to visit your practice in person, get treated there, and even recommend it to friends. 

You should select your target audience based on your location and the range of services you provide. For example, “root canal surgery in LA” would be the right keyword to optimize if your practice location is in Los Angeles, Ca, and specializes in root canal treatment. 

Your target audience is likely to type in more than just a “dentist in LA” if they want specialty help. Hence, by choosing the right keywords that target your target audience’s needs, you would significantly boost your targeted traffic and enjoy new patient appointments.  

Which Keywords Can Get You More New Patient Appointments?

Identifying the target audience and the appropriate keywords to reach out to them is vital in SEO for dentists. Usage of long-tail keywords, including phrases and words related directly to your service and location, would be the best move for driving traffic to a dental website. These keywords can drive valuable traffic to your website, as the people searching for these keywords are actively looking for your services and are hence quite likely to get converted. It is also easier to get a high Dental SEO ranking for these keywords as not many people search for precise terms.

The vaguer your keyword is, the more competition you have to face to rank higher. For example, the results of the ‘best dental practice’ would include the websites of dentistry all across the world. Hence, it is essential to keep your keywords more specific, like “pediatric dentist in LA” or “Root canals in Los Angeles.” 


Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website With Dental SEO 

Most people use search engines to find treatment options. So if your target audience cannot find your website while searching for dental websites, you are bound to lose out on many potential patients. 

Proper keywords and systematic SEO practices are the keys to a busy dental practice. With a strategized SEO, your website will rank higher on the search engines and shall subsequently be able to drive more traffic. 

With SEO tactics, such as keyword research and optimizing your website for search algorithms, your website can appear on the first page of results, thereby increasing traffic to your website.

However, it is essential to note that SEO will only work if your site is optimized because all the SEO efforts eventually land on your website. So it is crucial to have a great UI/UX, relevant and informative website content, fast-loading web pages, and overall a very patient-friendly website to bear fruits of your SEO process.

dental SEO company can put your practice right in front of active in-market patients at the very moment that they are searching for you. Ranking in these tops positions can considerably augment both the volume and quality of traffic to your website. 

Good Traffic vs. Bad Traffic

Bots, click farms, and disinterested users are a prime example of bad traffic. They don’t provide any value to your practice, as they do not have any chances or intentions of actually making dental appointments. If you have not correctly targeted your website’s audience, then there is a good chance that you might be getting worthless traffic. 

The excellent traffic for your website would be an interested user. They are likely to visit your website and stick around for a while. They may go through several of your web pages or post a query. All these actions fall under engagement. Essentially, your good traffic would be the users that engage with your website and are interested in it. These individuals are most likely the ones planning to go for dental treatment and may get converted. 

You can filter your traffic by engagement to understand who are the ones visiting your website the most. If you have more bad traffic than good, you might have to change or refine your dental strategy. 

Maximize Conversions by Combining Google Ads with Dental SEO

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is another useful tool used for dental practice digital marketing. In this, paid search ads put your website right at the top of search results for relevant keywords. 

With PPC, you can advertise within Google’s sponsored listings by paying each time someone clicks your ad. Much like typical SEO, you should choose the right keyword and location for PPC campaigns. Google Ads is the most popular platform to carry out PPC campaigns. 

Google Ads also offers valuable data that SEO experts should use to increase dental SEO ranking on search engines more effectively. Through Google Ads campaign performance analysis, you can identify which keywords are pulling in the most clicks, which keywords have the highest conversion rate, etc.


  • Ads Click-Through Rate (CTR)

    You can check out the click-through rates on specific dental ads to understand which descriptions and headlines work best to persuade searchers to click. Then apply the most effective messaging to the Meta descriptions, on-page headlines, and title tags of your website.  The average CTR in Google Ad is 1.91% for search and 0.35% for display

  • Keyword Click-Through Rate (CTR)

    : You can go through the click-through rates of specific keywords within your Google Ad account to identify the terms that have resonated best with the target audience. You can subsequently use these keywords to improve your dental website search engine ranking and drive targeted traffic

  • High Cost Per Click Keywords (CPC)

    The Cost Per Click emphasizes clicks, impressions, bids, and other essential metrics used to track performance over time. The keywords with the highest CPC is likely to be the most valuable one and may have the capability to deliver the highest quality leads. One way to reduce the CPC for high-cost keywords is to have a high search engine ranking for the keyword.

  • Keywords with a Large Number of Impressions

    If the number of impressions, click rate, and conversions of a particular keyword are high in PPC ad campaigns, it would be advisable to target that keyword as part of your dental SEO strategy.


SEO for Dentists: The Most Important KPIs to Track

Tracking SEO metrics and KPIs would help you analyze the SEO campaign, improve website visits and leads, and maximize conversions. Monitoring the KPIs ensures you do not spend time and money on unrewarding keywords or SEO strategies as a whole. Here are a few KPIs that can indicate the success level of your Dental SEO strategy:

  • Organic Sessions: This implies the visits earned by your website through search engines, like Bing and Google. A single session defines the website’s visitors, their actions within their visit duration, and their ultimate exit from the website.


  • Organic Traffic:dental marketing company would typically use Google Analytics or a similar tool to measure the organic traffic attracted by your website. It is among the prime KPIs of an SEO strategy as it wholly aligns with the core aim of dental SEO, which is to get more eyes on your website.


  • Keyword Ranking Increase: The effectiveness of your SEO strategy can be measured by assessing where your specific keywords’ position is in major search engines. The closer they are to number one, the better results they are likely to reap. The closer they are to number one, the better results they are likely to reap. As keyword ranking is an element that directly correlates with SEO success, it is a vital KPI.


  • Rank for the Right Keywords: You must understand which keywords drive your website’s maximum search traffic and then rank for them. You can identify these ‘right’ keywords on Google Analytics. However, an SEO agency may often fail to identify or purposefully ignore the right keywords if they are difficult to rank on SERP’s first page. They’ll instead target easy to rank keywords which may not always bring the desired value. Hence, you track the position of the keywords that you are targeting.


  • Conversions: While the above indicators can highlight whether your website is driving good traffic, you must drive targeted traffic to improve conversions. An increase in conversions does not necessarily mean that you attract more visitors to your website; it would merely imply that you are drawing high-quality leads who eventually convert into patients. And isn’t that the ultimate goal of all dental digital marketing?



SEO can be a highly valuable tool to connect with the ever-increasing number of patients who search for a dental practice on the web. It helps in attracting more qualified leads to your website, which in turn enhances your expected revenue.

However, to get the most out of SEO, you must deploy smart dental SEO tactics, like using location-specific keywords. More importantly, you need to complement your SEO process with Google Ads, as that combination can shoot up your conversion rates by manifold. 

Finally, you must track important KPIs to understand the actual performance of your SEO campaign. It will allow you to identify what’s working for you and what’s not and take remedial actions to implement a fool-proof SEO campaign. 

Partnering with a reliable dental marketing company won’t hurt either.


Dental Marketo

At Dental Marketo, we have a proven track record of attracting hundreds of new patients for our clients. We specialize in curating and delivering bespoke dental SEO campaigns for our clients, increasing their revenue by up to 230%. 

Schedule a complimentary consultation session with one of our SEO managers to evaluate your existing SEO strategy or start a new one. 

You can also assess the performance of your current SEO company by answering a few simple questions.


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