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Why Should You Hire an SEO Company Specialized in Dental SEO?

Do you want to get up to 230% more qualified leads to your website every month?

Dental SEO can help you to increase the volume of relevant traffic to your dental site and subsequently increase patient appointments over the long term. 77% of patients today turn to the internet to find a dentist, and hence your dental practice must appear on the top Search Engine Results Pages [SERPs] so that these patients can easily find you online.

A well established dental digital marketing agency typically uses local SEO tactics to magnetize qualified leads to your website and engage them with relevant content. These industry-specific digital marketing firms have the expertise, experience, and knowledge needed to successfully connect with the target audience and fetch way better results than any typical SEO agency. Dental SEO management is not an easy task and requires a certain level of industry knowledge that only specific marketing agencies shall provide.


Why Should You Work with a Company Specializing in Dental SEO?

Many people assume that SEO would be the same for all industries, ranging from retail to healthcare. However, this cannot be further than the truth. Even though the core SEO processes and tactics are the same across all businesses and industries, dental SEO cannot be successful with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Search engine algorithms are continually evolving, and they aim at showing the users the most relevant content. Only an agency specializing in dental SEO management with the dental industry knowledge can help you rank high on search engine result pages and drive the right traffic to your website while not crossing industry guidelines such as HIPAA compliance.

They would know how to effectively:

  • Navigate through the industry regulations and entirely comply with patient privacy practices.
  • Improve your dental SEO ranking as they already have experience doing that for other dentists before.
  • Create and publish dental related content that can both inform and engage your prospective patients.
  • Adapt your strategy as per the dentistry trends while also staying up to date on industry changes and Google rules and algorithm updates
  • Understand your dental practice’s unique demographics and needs to attract prospective patients by executing local SEO strategies.


The Right SEO Agency Can Boost Your Dental Digital Marketing Plan.

A professional dental marketing company designs and implements an integrated strategy including SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and PPC, to achieve long and short term digital marketing goals based on the industry standard and regulations.

While PPC increases website and office traffic immediately, SEO and content marketing lays the groundwork for long-term traffic and conversions. On the other hand, social media marketing also plays a crucial role in driving web traffic and enhancing the practice’s overall exposure among the target audience.

To summarize it, each dental digital marketing tactic gives you some benefit or the other. But when you integrate these tactics, you get the real value out of each of these tactics. Think of digital marketing as a team sport. Every tactic (player) brings something significant to the table and can sometimes win games independently. Still, when they all perform collectively as a unit, the team starts winning consistently and shows better results overall. 

Furthermore, all digital marketing tactics, including SEO, ultimately end up on your website. If that is not optimized to provide a great user experience and maximize conversions, these dental marketing activities will be less successful.


What Can a Dental SEO Company Do For Your Website?

Dental website optimization involves a long-term strategy, including website loading speed improvement, content creation for dental patients, website auditing, improvement of local SEO signals (Google Business Listings, directories), etc.

These elements help a website enjoy a long-term inflow of quality traffic and consistent new patient appointments and even repeat patients when combined with the industry trends and guidelines. Here are some of the services you can expect your dental marketing company to provide in regards to search engine optimization:


  • Website Auditing

    The search engine optimization experts thoroughly review your website to identify any pages that could be improved to boost their ability to rank at the top of SERPs. A dental marketing company ideally focuses on removing all errors from these pages. The prospective patients can enjoy a seamless browsing experience and so that the Google crawlers can crawl the website with ease.


  • Keyword Research and Strategy

    Keywords are the core elements that can improve your search engine ranking. A dental digital marketing agency shall typically carry out comprehensive keyword analysis to zero upon your practice and services’ most relevant keywords. These SEO specialists ideally analyze the types of queries and questions the prospective patients ask on the web and ensure that your website features the best quality content with seamless dental keyword incorporation, answering each of those questions.


  • Local SEO

    Patients are unlikely to travel far to acquire the needed dental treatment. Hence, a dental SEO company majorly focuses on attracting prospective patients within a five-mile radius of your practice. These SEO experts would list and optimize your dental practice information consistently in the industry-related directories, review sites, Google My Business page, Google Map, and other relevant online local directories to achieve their goal.


  • Monitoring Reviews and Ratings

    Getting positive reviews online must be a priority for your practice because it plays a significant role in your SEO ranking and potential patients’ decision-making. An SEO agency with proper dental review management strategies, integrates them into your website as testimonials of your previous patients to establish trust among website visitors and create a solid backlink for your site.


  • On-Page Optimization:

    The dental SEO experts shall optimize all the essential pages of your website to include all the critical signals needed to help your page or complete the website to better dental SEO ranking. These professionals may work on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) recommendations, which shall increase your website’s conversion rates.


  • Backlink Analysis:

    A dental digital marketing agency shall carefully analyze the current links to your website to find any backlinks that might be harming your search engine ranking. They also will remove suspicious and harmful backlinks to your website before causing your website to end up receiving a manual action penalty.


  • Directory Auditing:

    The SEO experts of a dental marketing agency shall review current directory listings to ensure that they are effectively optimized and consistent with meeting the local SEO requirements of Google.

These experts subsequently update and correct any inaccurate information such as name, phone number, address, and website URL, while striving to ensure that your contact details are identical across the prime directory websites.


  • Link Building:

    Link building is a vital aspect of improving dental SEO ranking.  SEO experts know how to find backlink opportunities to promote your dental practice in the best possible manner. They usually follow diversified link building strategies and help your website to acquire links from high-authority websites.


  • Dental Content Creation:

    Google’s recent algorithm update encourages the websites to produce high-quality content to enhance the user experience for better search engine ranking.

Appropriate content would be extremely useful in bringing an adequate level of credibility to your website. Your prospective patients might have many questions regarding your services that they shall want to be answered before making an appointment. 

A dental SEO company creates and publishes the best informational content to address all your prospective patients’ queries. Most of them tend to follow a strategic approach focused on creating relevant and valuable content that can generate more traffic, build credibility, and lead to superior conversion rates.



More than 77% of prospective patients today use search engines to find perfect treatment services, and many of these searches result in scheduling appointments. Hence, you must invest in dental SEO services to attract quality traffic to your website and convert them into loyal patients. 

However, SEO for dental practices is quite a specialized domain that requires a degree of industry knowledge and expertise that all SEO agencies do not have. For the best possible results, you must opt to seek assistance from companies that exclusively work on dental website optimization and dental digital marketing. 

These companies offer a plethora of essential services that can help improve the ranking of your practice on SERPs, including website auditing, content creation, backlink building, keyword research, and so on. Such a dental marketing company, however, does not stop at SEO. They even deliver PPC, social media marketing, and content marketing. 

What are the services you expect from your SEO agency? 

Dental Marketo

Dental Marketo specializes in delivering premium quality dental digital marketing services, including dental SEO, that help our clients to attract hundreds of new patients within 5 to 10 miles of their practice. 

Give us a call or schedule a complimentary consultation appointment with our SEO managers today to take your dental practice to the next level.



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